I love how relentless He is at showing us HIS POWER ~ we will never do anything with any eternal value whatsoever in our own strength ~ and sometimes He takes away everything we would normally rely on & puts us in a place where ALL WE HAVE IS HIM.
All we truly ever have is Him ~ but sometimes distractions get in the way and we rely on them (even in the form of people). Jesus is gracious to use the hard, uncomfortable, desperate times of life to remind us.....HE IS ALL WE NEED!
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have my husband here right now in these early days of bonding & folding two more littles into our family to help give wisdom & be that steady disciplinarian that they are more likely to listen to. But in His infinite wisdom, God called me here first & my only choice is to rely on HIM.
It's in these times where I am graciously reminded that there is always JOY in His Presence. Joy has nothing to do with our outward circumstances. Nothing to do with how easy or hard life is. Nothing to do with happiness or earthly pleasures. And more than I want comfort & ease, more than I want to be happy, more than I want even the people in my life that I love & value so much, I want HIS JOY. And that can only be found in the depth of His Presence ~ relying on Him for every moment. Knowing you can't get through the next hour or minute without His Holy Spirt filling you ~ this is where we find True Joy!!! His Spirit takes over in me and wells up in me. I lay myself entirely to the side & feel like I'm the most privileged person in the world having a front row seat to watching His Power at work!
All children who are adopted come from a hard place, a place of loss which leads to hearts that have a hard time trusting. Bonding & transitioning into a family is hard work ~ way beyond my ability to persevere through, that's for sure! But He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to HIS POWER that is at work within us!!! I find when I let go and let Him take over He blows my mind every time!!!
Kaleb Jasse & Khloe Enna love their names. We still call them Jasse & Enna mostly but they both get huge smiles when we remember to say their "K" name also :)
So thankful that our sweet friend, Alese, was able to come with us this first week ~ she's been a lifesaver!!!
Helping with cooking meals and doing dishes......and there have been times where we for sure needed 3 on 3 ~ Kennady and I would have been outnumbered for sure if she didn't come ;)
Please pray for all 3 littles as they adjust ~ especially for Kaleb Jasse to know that he is loved but he needs to listen when he is asked to do something (or stop doing something). Lots of change for all 3 littles and I'm so thankful that Jesus chose them as forever family! I know He will work it ALL out :)))
"You have made known to me the paths of life;
You will fill me with joy in Your Presence,
With eternal pleasures at Your right hand." Psalm 16:11