"I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

To Tell of His Grace

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Field Trips and Friends

Kolson's class went to the fossil museum today and since I couldn't chaperone, Brodie did! The field trip was an all day one so he brought all of the kids home with their friends as well! They all played kickball in the backyard and rode the go-cart :) Later, after Kaylee's bath, the boys taught her how to dance "gangnam style"

Part of our daily routine: trying on other people's shoes ;)

So thankful Brodie was able to go with this sweet boy and have quality time :)

Digging for fossils

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen,

    My name is Myca and I have recently started to work with Brodie. I met Brodie the week before your family left for China and I have to tell you that since Brodie shared your blog I have enjoyed reading about your journey to Miss Kaylee. The "gangnam style" bit honestly made me laugh out loud in the office this morning. My sister and I are constanly "teaching" this dance.
    I was reading about the field trip and it is my understanding that schools don't do as many field trips as they used to when I was a kid. I always enjoy sharing two places with parents of children as places to visit. Downtown LA has a Tolerance Museum that is pretty amazing. And the California Science Museum which is in LA as well. Of all the trips I was able to go on with school, these are ones that "stuck" with me.
    Also I see that Miss Kaylee seems to be pretty active and is enjoying trying new things. Below is a link to an art project I intend to try with my boyfriend's little one soon. I thought you would like the idea.

    Thank you so much for sharing. You have the most beautiful family.

