"I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

To Tell of His Grace

Thursday, May 16, 2013

One More Day :)

We only have one more day with the big casts on! We go tomorrow and get smaller casts that just go over her hands and not up her arms ~ hopefully her little fingers will be able to move around more so that she can play!

Casts come off tomorrow!


Kaylee is learning to like kisses on the mouth ;)

Love how she is watching her big Sis to see what to do next

Can't wait to have these 3 sweeties home for the summer...3 more weeks!!!

Kaylee slept much better last night and had a much better day ;)
THANK YOU all for your earnest prayers!!! God is good ALL the time!


Kaylee's eye surgery has been moved up to May 31st. We also found out that she will have tubes put in a couple of weeks after that....So thankful that we went and checked! She wasn't acting in any way like they bothered her but the adoption clinic recommended that we check any way. They were just sure that she would need them considering the environment that she came from - they were right! Her ears are completely packed with wax and fluid! The adoption clinic had recommended it as another thing that will help to improve her speech (or help her to start to speak). Once she can hear clearly (right now the ENT said her hearing was not good at all) she will be able to hear the correct sounds rather than just a bunch of mumbling and she will have a better chance of repeating those sounds :)

We had her OT appointment today and the OT said that the tubes will also help with eating...she gave me the example of being on a plane where your ears are so plugged that you can't barely hear and how you don't really feel like eating with your ears that plugged. Once the fluid is out of her ears and all that pressure is gone, she will be more likely to want to eat :)

Please keep praying for our sweet girl - 2 surgeries and the ear procedure so close together are A LOT for any 2 year old...let alone one who has only been home for 2 months and really doesn't understand what is going on and why we have to go see so many doctors and is still learning to trust her family!  

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