"I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

To Tell of His Grace

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Kaylee's Eyes

We continue to be so thankful for all that Jesus did with Kaylee's eye surgery---we just felt His Hand and His Peace in such incredible ways all day long. Just the fact that she is a very sharp little girl and she knew full-well that as we changed her into hersurgery  clothes, something was about to take place that she wouldn't like and she still was calm!

The surgeon said she was surprised by how well she was able to align Kaylee's eyes considering how far off they were and once she got in there, her right eye muscle was dropped down way lower than it should be. She thought it would be harder to tighten it the way Kaylee needed it to be, but she was able to fully tighten it! 

Brodie gave praise to Jesus and said, "Well, we've all done our jobs, now we get to sit back and watch Jesus do His job of healing her how He wants to." The doctor looked right at him and said, "You know, more and more I'm starting to believe that as I see things happen around me that I didn't do." 

She shared with us a little about her faith background (or lack of faith growing up) and then she got tears in her eyes and said it was a blessing for her to be able to be a part of helping Kaylee and how "lucky" Kaylee is to have us. We of course were able to share how WE are the ones who have been blessed beyond measure! 

We shared how we never even wanted to adopt in the first place and Jesus moved in our hearts and called us and then gave us the courage to say YES. 

We shared with her how through Kaylee's adoption, our big kids have been able to see that Jesus' love is REAL and not just something their parents and church teach them about. 

Our big kids saw God call our family to a broken little girl who desperately needed love and they've seen what HIS LOVE can do in such a short time. She was totally listening to every word and completely engaged the whole time...it was the longest post- surgery brief I've ever been a part of :) 

It was so awesome to see Him move in this doctor and know that Kaylee's life touched her in some small way. Needless to say, I will be praying for her to see Jesus everywhere she turns and surrender her life to Him! 

She also told us we will see begin to see significant improvement in brain processing now that Kaylee's eyes are aligned :) Thank You Jesus!!!

Went to Nana and Papa's house to play the other day 

Looking less red!

We've had a busy week being at school for end of the year parties...we wore this girl out! Brodie had the great idea a few weeks ago to move out the twin bed with bedrail that we had in here and put her crib with one side taken off and pushed up against our bed. It fits much better and is safer for her (as she rolls around A LOT!) She wanted nothing to do with her crib when we first got her home---but with one of the sides off and having it bumped up to our bed she seems to like it! Sleep is still a struggle for her but we know that in time she will feel safe enough to get the rest she needs :)

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