"I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

To Tell of His Grace

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

This Girl........

Anyone who knows Kennady knows that Jesus shines through her in many ways. 
I've been amazed this last week watching her do what God has gifted her to do.....love the least and hurting so they can know Christ's love. 
When Brod took her on her first missions trip to Haiti (when they met Jasse & Enna) he texted me & said, "Babe, get your heart ready because I'm pretty sure this is what our daughter was made for." 
He said she was running circles around all the adults that went on the missions trip & pretty much led most activities with ease as the Lord's anointing was clearly on her. 
Now here we are 2 1/2 years later & living here for a while and she says, "I've never felt so at home." She has been our rock this week and is seriously running circles around me now!!
I keep asking her what she loves so much about life here & although she lists about 100 things she loves, it really comes down to a work Jesus is doing in her heart. 
Not having clean water, walking everywhere in the mud, laundry by hand, using bleach in our dishwater so we don't get sick (not to mention crazy screaming kids all day) .....none of it phases her ~ she loves every minute of our time here & is praying that we have to stay longer! 
Sis, I love you and I'm amazed at Jesus' work in your life! I can't wait to watch all of His plans unfold in your life :))))). Thank you for your non-stop work this week!!

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