"I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

To Tell of His Grace

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

32 Months of Forever!!!

Why is this a significant day for our family and Kaylee Grace? Kaylee spent the first 32 months of her life in an orphanage .......and the last 32 months of her life HOME in the loving arms of her Forever Family!!! 

I'm so thankful we have a Heavenly Father that cares so much for each one of us ~ He sets the lonely in families! 

Kaylee, you are the bravest girl we know! You've had to overcome so much in your little life and Jesus is Faithful! He has done so much more than we could have ever asked or imagined in the last 32 months ~ He is Healer, Comforter, Counsleor and Redeemer! We know that full-well as we have watched first-hand as He has gently healed you and redeemed your life! 
What a GIFT it is to be your parents and love you forever!

You have the BEST older siblings who love you so much!!!
You're spunky and full of life! Your joy is contagious :)))
May Jesus grow strong in you all the days of your life, sweet girl! May He be greatly glorified in all you do :)))
You keep us laughing all the time ~ this is us trying to make a video for Little Brother & Sister ~ what would we do without you?!?!

We love you and are so thankful He chose us to be your Forever Fam!!

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