Kaylee had to go back to the doctor's office today and have a chest x-ray since she still had a cough and fever. After that Nana Carol and JoAnn brought lunch for us and as we visited, the kids brought out the little play car that we have. Kaylee looked interested in it and so Keegan asked her if she wanted to go in it. She reached for him and went in! She rode all around the house and LOVED it! The only problem was that she threw a big fit when we needed to get her out to give her a nap.
Both Nanas and JoAnn |
After dinner we went on a walk around our cul-de-sac and we put Kaylee back into the car. When we got her out she walked holding my hand and we went around the cul-de-sac a few times!
Loving her car :)
Each of the kids got a turn pushing her...
If they didn't go fast enough she would rock forward like she wanted to go faster (she also did this anytime they would stop...like, "giddy-up horsey")
Faster Keegan |
And here is a shot of her walking:
She is definitely feeling more comfortable at home and we are SO thankful for that! It's so fun to see her feel safe enough to explore a little. She has begun to throw more fits and sometimes has a really hard time calming herself at all - it's like she just gets to a point where she looses all control...and as Keegan would say, "It's ok, Mom, that means she's bonding and feels more comfortable to try and get what she wants."
We feel like we have a front row seat to a miracle that unfolds more and more each day! Such a blessing....God is so good and faithful.
Again, it just reminds me of my own salvation. Psalm 18 says: "He reached down from on high and took hold of me; He drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy...He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me." (vs 16,17,19). When I least deserved for Him to reach down and save me, He did. And His Word says that He RESCUED me because He
DELIGHTED IN ME. That overwhelms me every time I read it. When I think of where I was when Jesus saved me...the path I was on...the choices I was making...and to know that in the midst of my sin He delighted in me!
It is the same with Kaylee Grace. I watched Him reach down from Heaven to a tiny village in China where she lived in an unknown orphanage. I watched Him call our family to adopt her. He RESCUED her - just the thought of her in that orphanage crib for 23 hours a day...and to see her now learning to do so many things. He brought her out into a spacious place. He did all this because He delights in her! Not because of anything she has done or because she has earned His favor in any way. He delights in us because of who HE is...He is LOVE. I can see a glimpse of His heart through our adoption of Kaylee. We delight in her...even in her tantrums. We know she has come from a hard place and we rejoice in who He is molding her into and we are thankful to play a small part in that.
Our prayer continues to be that she will accept His even greater RESCUE gift...Salvation. That one day she will see that there is an even more Spacious Place offered to her which is the free gift of eternal life through believing in God's Son and making Him the Lord of her life!!!